Creating your account and completing your initial login (ICA)

Creating an account as an insurance-covered advocacy patient is quick and easy. This option is offered on the final page of scheduling your intake appointment, where your booking confirmation details are displayed.

You'll first head over to our website ( and click the "Find an Advocate" button. Follow the website prompts to arrive at the "Thank you! You're all set" page. That final page will provide some important information on how to join the initial appointment call and also includes a green button to "Create an Account." While account recreation is not a requirement, it can make connecting with your advocate more convenient.

You can also create an account later on by clicking the button in our emails to you. To learn more, see the following Help Center article:

To see the account creation process, click the image below to watch a quick tutorial video:



Still have questions? Feel free to email us at or give us a call at (415) 741-5420. We're happy to help!


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