Completing your profile / tips on making your profile the best it can be

We have created the largest of all of our help center videos to help you with one of the most important pieces of your work with Solace...your profile!

Check out the video below for a complete walkthrough of creating your profile. We've divided the video up into certain chapters so that you can jump to the section you're interested in, or you can watch the whole thing front to back.



Profile Tips:
These are all suggestions! Your profile is yours to create as you wish, but here are some things we’ve noticed that make a profile stand out above the rest:
  • Your Profile Image

    • Smile! Friendly smiles lead to more views and connections.
    • Faces are performing better here over company logos. You’re still welcome to use a logo, but if you have a headshot, you may see more clients coming your way.
    • Use a high-resolution photo.
  • Your Headline

    • Avoid using your company name here — clients don’t have enough context for exactly what that means. We recommend using the term “Advocate” or “Care Manager” if that’s more applicable to you.

    • Avoid alphabet soup. Many of you have some awesome qualifications, but abbreviating those in your headline doesn’t appear to be meaningful to potential clients. Spell these out in your bio to convey your depth of experience.

  • One Liners!
    This is a new area on search results and your profile page that allows you to give a brief overview of your focus—in one sentence. These will appear in search results and in a new “Meet Me” area on your profile. Read some examples:
“A former oncologist, Donna specializes in advocating for patients managing cancer diagnoses and other complex illnesses.”

“Struggling to understand your insurance coverage? Christine gets answers fast so you can get the care you need.”

“Jeff supports individuals and their aging family members with medical team coordination and safe living situations.”
  • About / Bio

    • Format your bios cleanly, in short paragraphs. Keep it short and punchy—we’re seeing shorter bios perform better.

    • Summarizing your experience (e.g., over x years of experience combined) in the first 1-2 sentences of your bio is a plus. Use numbers instead of spelling it out.
    • You’re the subject, not your company. Use “I’m XYZ, and I have 40 years of experience as an X. I do Y for my clients,” or refer to yourself by name… make sure you’re the subject of the sentence rather than your company. More friendly and personal approaches seem to do better.
    • We recommend the following format:
      • First paragraph: Tell clients about yourself and your experience. Write in the first person, as if you were introducing yourself to a friend. 
      • Second paragraph: Talk about how you approach your work. How do you advocate for patients?
      • Third paragraph: What to expect. What should potential clients expect in their first phone call with you? How does your intro call process work? 

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