Finding the right advocate for you

Just getting started with Solace? Welcome! Your first step is to begin exploring advocate profiles to find an advocate that's right for you.


**NOTE: This article is for those interested in hiring an advocate out-of-pocket. If you are a Medicare or Medicare Advantage patient looking for a care champion covered by your coverage, please click here to see if you're covered in seconds.


We've created this video tutorial to help you get going:



  • Begin by heading over to and clicking "Find an Advocate."
  • You'll be asked to choose a path, whether seeking and advocating for "Myself" or "Someone Else."
  • Next, we'll ask for your location. This helps our search system to populate matches.
  • Then, we'll ask you for a detailed but brief description of your situation. Try to keep this to only a few sentences to help point our search for your advocate in the right direction. A more detailed description can be provided to your advocate once you've found the right match.
    • There's also an optional field to select your diagnosis or condition if you have one that is included in the drop-down list.
  • Next, click "See Your Advocates." Our system will use your brief description to identify advocates whose skills and experience match your needs.
  • A list of matches will be shown on the following screen. Click into each one to read more about them, and feel free to begin booking intro calls with any that you feel are a good fit.
    • You may book as many intro calls as needed to find the right match. Note that you may only have three intro calls booked at any one time, but as soon as you've completed one of those three, you are free to book another.
  • Once your intro call is officially booked, be sure to "Tell your advocate why you're booking." They will not be shown your original search description, so giving them some advanced notice of your situation helps ensure they are coming into this call as prepared as possible to meet your unique needs.


And that is how to find the best advocate for you!


You will also receive a notification email at the time your intro call is booked, as well as a notification that the call is happening soon on the date it is scheduled to occur. Your advocate will contact you at the number associated with your Solace account. Feel free to "Message" your advocate through your Solace Dashboard at any time if you have questions, concerns, or more information to provide.


For more information regarding bookings, see the following articles (click the link to view):


Still need help? We'd be happy to assist you in finding the perfect advocate and answer any questions you may have. Reach out via the "Contact Us!" information below. We're happy to help!

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