What is a Care Portal/Care Team?

Our Care Portal is a quick and convenient way to invite others to be a part of your Solace Care Team via the left-hand navigation column of your dashboard whenever you have an active contract with an advocate. 


Through the portal, you can invite others, whether already registered with Solace or not, to view and access as much or as little information as you feel comfortable with between yourself, your advocate, and each invited member of your Care Team. This may be a spouse, parent, child, friend, or someone else who may be assisting you and your situation in some way that would benefit from access to this information. At any time, the Care Portal permissions can be changed or removed should you no longer wish to allow access to some or all of the information between any one or all of your Care Team members. 


Details that may be shared or restricted through the Care Portal are:

  • Upcoming appointments
  • Appointment History
  • Advocate Notes
  • Uploaded Files
  • Messaging


Inviting someone to join your Care Team is quick and easy, as outlined in the following image:

  1. Click "Care Portal" on your navigational column
  2. Click "Add New"
  3. Fill in the form and click "Invite"

They'll receive an email with instructions on how to proceed.


Once you have Care Team members officially linked to your Solace account, notice the four areas of interest in the below image:

  1. Begin by clicking "Care Portal" on your navigational column
  2. "Manage Permissions" is a drop-down field that, when clicked, leads to (3)
  3. This is where you can "Select User." This will display a list of the people you've included in your Care Team. You can select the name in question and follow the prompts to adjust their individual permissions
  4. This shows you the individuals who have included you in their Care Team. When you click their name, you will shown any "Shared Notes," "Shared Files," and "Appointments"


Adjusting the permissions for a Care Team member is a breeze. See the image below:

  1. Click into your "Care Portal" from your navigational column
  2. Click "Manage Permissions" and select the username in question
  3. Toggle the various options to meet your specifications on what you'd like to share or limit
  4. Once a toggle is adjusted, there will be an alert at the top of the page letting you know the update has been successful


Need more help? Reach out to us by using the “Contact Us” information below, we'll be happy to assist!

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