How do I invite someone into my Care Team and set their permissions?

To invite someone to your Care Team, you'll first need an active contract with an advocate. Once a contract is established, you can begin by logging in to your Solace account and clicking Care Portal from the left-hand navigation column. Click the green “Add a Care Team Member” button or the orange “Add New” circle/plus sign icon (+), both located center screen. This will open a new field where you will enter a few details that are needed to connect your account to the invited individual and to set access permissions for each Team Member. If your invitation is to someone not yet registered with Solace, this process will officially invite them in via email and prompt them to complete their own account setup.


Adjusting access permissions to a Care Team member is quick and easy (pictured below). Click the "Select User" drop-down field in the "Manage Permissions" section to specify which Care Team member you'd like to adjust. These permissions may be changed at any time. Areas each Care Team member may be granted access to are: 

  • Upcoming Appointments
  • Appointment History
  • Advocate Notes
  • Uploaded Files
  • Message Advocate





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