How to manage your Solace Calendar


Rescheduling can be frustrating for everyone involved. An up-to-date calendar is the cornerstone of everything you do for your clients! Here, we'll cover the basics of keeping your Solace Calendar current.


From your left-hand side navigational column, click the Calendar option to bring up your Solace Calendar. There are three buttons in the upper right-hand corner where you may "Add Event," adjust your view date range ("Day," "Week," "Month"), or get into the deeper calendar "Settings," pictured below:



Let's click that "Settings" button for a closer look. Here, you'll set your time zone as well as "Edit" "Your Work Hours" (the days of the week and hours in the day when you are open and available to receive client bookings):



To adjust "Your Work Hours," click the "Edit" button. You'll be able to checkmark which weekdays you are available, use the drop-down fields to set your specific hour range for any given day, and add (+) or delete (trash can icon) time slots where you are not available, pictured here. Be sure to always "Save Hours" before leaving this screen!




Further down the "Schedule Settings" page are a few more adjustable details, pictured below:

  • "Sync an Existing Calendar"
    • Click Here for a more in-depth look at this feature
  • "Appointment Buffer Time"
    • "Before Appointment Time" and "After Appointment" options allow you to set a buffer for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour. 
  • "Allow Same-Day Bookings?"
    • This is a Yes/No toggle 

**Note that changes made to the "Schedule Settings" page are saved automatically.



When you're done making changes, you can click the "Back to Calendar" button in the upper right-hand corner to return to your Solace Calendar.


Still have questions? Feel free to reach out using the "Contact Us" information at the bottom of this screen. We're happy to help!


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