Checking the status of an invoice


To check the status of an invoice, log into your Solace account and click the "Get Paid" option from your navigational column (accessible via the left side of your desktop account or via the upper right corner of the mobile site). Once you're on the "Invoices & Payments" screen, you have the option to "+ Create a New Invoice," or you have three tabs to choose from (pictured below):

  • Invoices
    • You will automatically be on this tab when you arrive at the "Invoices & Payments" screen
    • This tab will show you all invoices to date
    • Examples of an invoice status via the "Status" column: "Paid," "Draft," "Unpaid," "Processing"
      • You can click the filter icon to filter your displayed results based on invoice status
      • Click the link for more information on failed client payments: Declined payments - what next?
  • Bookings
    • This tab will provide a history of your paid client bookings if you are charging for intro calls
  • Payments
    • This tab documents each Direct Deposit that has gone into your linked bank account
    • Note that our payment processor may lump multiple transactions together for a larger, single deposit, so these totals may not be a direct 1:1 match with your "Invoices" and "Bookings" tabs content, but will be an accumulative match.
    • Let your official invoices be the source of truth for any bookkeeping. 



And it's that simple! If you still have questions, feel free to reach out via the "Contact Us" information below. We're happy to help!

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