Declined payments - what next?

Rest assured! In the event that payment is not captured for whatever reason, your work through Solace is always protected by The Solace Promise, and we will ensure you are paid for your time!


How these scenarios work:

  • The system notifies the client via email that the payment was not successful, and provides instructions to your client on updating their payment info.
  • The system will automatically make two more consecutive attempts to clear the payment. Attempts are made once a day for three business days in a row.
  • If payment is not captured within the first three attempts, the system will try again on the 1st or on the 15th of the month, whichever is the soonest.


Until the payment is received, it is advised to pause any further work on the client's behalf. But do feel free to communicate with them about that pause in the meantime while they get the payment situation sorted out to keep those lines of communication flowing. When this does happen, it most often is cleared up quickly.


If that payment does not clear, and you are in need of our support, or if you have any other questions, feel free to reach out via the "Contact Us" info below if you have questions. We're happy to help!

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