What happens if I need to reschedule an appointment or intro call?

While it's strongly encouraged to keep rescheduling to a minimum by maintaining an up-to-date calendar, sometimes life has other plans, so we have a booking rescheduling and cancelation feature at the ready!


To reschedule a booking with your client, log into your account and click the ellipses icon located in the booking reminder tile on your dashboard's welcome page, pictured below. This will open an expandable menu that includes:

  • "Propose a New Time"
  • Send Message
  • Cancel Appointment

If you or your client are not able to attend the appointment for any reason, please ensure that it is officially canceled in the system ahead of the appointment window. This will remove the booking from both dashboards and will ensure that the client is able to rebook through your profile calendar. 



For more information on sending messages through Solace, click the article below:

How to send a message or files using messaging


If you still have questions, feel free to reach out via the "Contact Us" information below. We're happy to help!

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