How do I pay my advocate?

We require that you provide payment information before beginning work with your advocate. We accept payment via credit or debit card. You can change your payment information if necessary from your profile settings. We've included a quick how-to video below.


After working with your advocate, they will invoice you for their time. Advocates typically invoice clients in one of two ways.


1. Using a Retainer:

If you have a retainer contract with your advocate, you will pay for a certain amount of services up-front. Any time your advocate performs work on your behalf, they will deduct their fee from that pre-paid amount. You will receive an invoice via email for any time deducted from the initial amount. If your advocate finishes work before that fee has been exhausted, you will receive any remaining funds as a refund to your card. If the advocate uses the whole pre-paid amount, they may refill your retainer amount or switch over to billing you via an invoice.


2. Using an invoice:

If your advocate is billing you as they go, they will likely use an invoice. Advocates billing via invoice will let you know how often they will be invoicing you. When your advocate bills you via invoice, you will receive an email detailing the reasons for the charge and the total amounts.


Please be sure to confirm with your advocate how they plan to bill you and discuss any specific questions you may have about billing when you speak with them.


Here's a step-by-step on how to change your payment method (click the photo below to be taken to the video tutorial):

change payment method








For information on having a third party pay for your advocacy costs, click the article below:


Need more help? Reach out to us by using the “Contact Us” information below. We'll be happy to assist! 

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