Can I provide payment for someone else receiving Solace services?


Someone you care about is signing on with an advocate, and you would like to pay for their advocacy costs. Look no further to learn about advocacy sponsorship at Solace!


Once your loved one decides to move forward with their advocate, they'll let them know that someone else will be paying for the advocacy. This is a feature the advocate can engage while they are creating the contract. 


Once the advocate has created their contract, they will select an option that invites you through email to add your payment details. The email you will receive is pictured here, where the you can review a few FAQs and click the green "Sponsor" button to proceed:


Cher is asking for your support - sugar mama.jpg


When the "Sponsor" button is clicked, you are given the choice to create an account on Solace so that maintaining your payment details is quick and convenient. If you opt not to create an account, you can reach out to the customer service team for support as needed.


And payment details can be updated at any time! Whatever details are saved to your account at the time the invoice or retainer contract is submitted will be the card that is charged.


After you have completed the payment steps, your loved one will receive the following email notification:


Client notification - sugar mama.jpg


At this time, the advocate is also sent an email to let them know the payment details have been completed. Once your loved one has reviewed and accepted your contract with them, their advocate will begin working on their behalf!


Still have questions? Feel free to reach out via the "Contact Us" information below. We're happy to help!

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