Declined payments - what next?

If your payment method is declined, here is some helpful info on how to resolve the problem so that you can begin working with your advocate again ASAP.

The most immediate way to resolve this issue is to update your payment method, you can learn how to do that by clicking HERE

What happens next?

  • The system notifies you via email that the payment was not successful, so you're able to take steps to help the payment clear and will instruct you on how to proceed
  • The system will automatically make two more consecutive attempts to clear the payment. Attempts are made once a day for two business days in a row.

Until the payment is received, advocates are required to pause any work they have in progress for you. Feel free to communicate with your advocate about the situation as needed to keep those lines of communication flowing.


Still have questions? Feel free to reach out via the "Contact Us" info below if you have questions. We're happy to help!

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